Tag: legalization

The ‘devastating’ effects of marijuana legalization

But let’s keep underfunding schools and spending billions on keeping the war on drugs in business. 

John McCain: “Maybe we should legalize marijuana”

McCain: "Maybe we should legalize. We're certainly moving that way as far as marijuana is concerned. I respect the will of the people" — Tim Steller (@senyorreporter) September 5, 2013 John McCain held a town […]

CNN airs ‘Weed’ documentary following Dr. Sanjay Gupta’s reversal on medical marijuana

On Sunday night CNN aired the documentary “Weed”, which while not groundbreaking medically or scientifically, was actually groundbreaking simply for the fact that it was being aired on CNN. It was only four days ago […]

Dr. Sanjay Gupta changes his mind on weed, apologizes for his part in ‘misleading’ the public

Dr. Gupta, who has done a complete 180 on his previous marijuana stance, says he was misinformed and didn’t look hard enough at all of the research. I was too dismissive of the loud chorus […]