In a story that plays out entirely on a teenager’s computer screen, Noah follows its eponymous protagonist as his relationship takes a rapid turn for the worse in this fascinating study of behaviour (and romance) in the digital age.

I have to say that I really enjoyed this short film. I was a bit skeptical at first but Patrick Cederberg, writer and director, did a great job of pulling all the little pieces together and allowing you to engage with the characters. According to his YouTube page he is a 22 year-old music-maker/film student/animator from Toronto, Ontario.

The film was viewed at the Toronto International Film Festival, which just ended, in the special events – student film showcase. Cederberg does a really good job of mixing in young love and comic relief which makes the film, even at 17 minutes, feel like just the right length.

All in all I’d give it a 4 out of 5 stars. Leave a comment and let us know if what you thought of not only the film but the concept as well.

Posted by James Poling

A socialist, tinkerer, thinker, question asker and all around curiosity seeker. If you'd like to reach me you can use the contact link above or email me at jamespoling [at] gmail [dot] com.


  1. […] Noah – A Short Film shot entirely on a computer screen. […]



  2. Amazing, really nice. Made me think about how much my “virtual life” can influence my “real life”.



  3. […] In addition to these two, I had previously seen three films that played the festival. I wrote about There She Is for my Rated XX column over at Sound on Sight. I can also recommend the shorts Sleight of Hand and Noah. […]



  4. […] one is less mainstream, but totally worth checking out. Noah is a short film that only uses a computer and iPhone screens to show you the downfall of a […]



  5. I watched this story today on my class. Definitely something to think about. I´m going to share it on my blog.



  6. […] a surprisingly compelling short film was ‘filmed’ entirely on a computer screen. Available:…. Last accessed 17th January […]



  7. […] co-creator, Steve Levitian when he was Facetiming with his daughter. She sent him a short film, Noah, which was written and directed by Toronto film student, Patrick Cederberg. After watching the […]



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